5 Things to Do During NoFap Flatline to not Relapse

Flatline is the most dangerous part of your NoFap journey. It is easy to think that NoFap is not working and you’re more likely to relapse during this time. In this article, I’m gonna explain 5 things which you can do during the NoFap flatline to make sure you don’t relapse and come out of flatline as a victor.

If you want to know what NoFap flatline is how to tell if you’re going through it, read my THIS ARTICLE.

The things I’m about to mention are unconventional but effective. During the NoFap flatline, people don’t have any motivation to do things and they feel tired and exhausted all the time.

The goal is to not try to be productive and counter flatline with doing a lot of things but taking a step back, relax and let the flatline pass and just making sure that you don’t relapse.

1) Spend Some Time Outside

man spending time outside

During NoFap flatline, it is difficult to get out of bed and be productive. You don’t even have the motivation to do basic things.

Your focus shouldn’t be on being productive and getting a lot of things done in a short period of time. Take a step back and relax a little bit.

It is easy to feel worthless and demotivated when you’re not getting things done, but understand that you’re going through a flatline and it is completely normal to feel lazy and unproductive.

Instead of getting things done, your focus should be on passing through the flatline without relapsing.

Make a habit of spending some time outside of your home in a park or a garden. It’ll take your mind off flatline and you can reflect on your NoFap journey.

Just sit quietly in a park and observe nature or you can also read a book or do some other activity.

2) Binge on Netflix or Youtube

man watching youtube

This is a controversial point but let me explain. It is quite normal to feel lazy and not wanting to get out of bed during the NoFap flatline.

When you have nothing to do and you’re just lying in bed all day, it is easier for horny thoughts to enter your mind and you’re more likely to relapse.

The goal is to keep your mind busy and have something to do so that the thought of relapsing doesn’t even come to your mind.

If you’re going through a NoFap flatline, it means you have experienced the amazing benefits of NoFap. Being productive and wanting to get things done is one of the benefits.

When you’re experiencing the NoFap benefits, you don’t want to binge on Netflix or youtube, it feels like a wastage of time.

But during the NoFap flatline, it is normal to be un-productive, so binging on Netflix or youtube can be a good way to keep your mind busy.

Binging on netflix or youtube doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing either. You can watch history videos, financial education, self-improvement videos or anything knowledgeable on youtube.

Just a piece of advice here. You need to be careful while surfing youtube or Netflix. You have to make sure you don’t watch something provocative which will trigger your urges.

3) Eat Pizza, Ice cream or Your Favourite Food

man eating pizza

During NoFap flatline, you have low dopamine levels, that’s why nothing excites you don’t feel like doing anything.

If you are like most guys, you’ve probably been watching porn and masturbating since 10-12 years old. During all those years you’ve supplied your brain with an unnaturally high level of dopamine and your brain has become accustomed to getting a high amount of dopamine without doing any work.

After giving up porn and masturbation for some time, the dopamine level in your brain gets low and your brain starts craving dopamine.

Due to this low level of dopamine, you feel less motivated, depressed and don’t want to do anything productive.

Flatline is a period during which your brain starts adjusting itself to not getting a high level of dopamine.

The goal is to provide your brain with dopamine from sources other than porn and masturbation.

Since tasty food is a source of dopamine, you can eat it to provide your brain dopamine so that you don’t have to resort to porn and masturbation to satisfy your dopamine cravings.

It is also important to not eat pizza, ice cream, or any unhealthy food daily and not overdose on it. You should only eat it in moderation and not too often.

4) Go Out or Spend Time With Your Friends

men enjoying time together

During the NoFap flatline, you should try to spend as little time as possible being alone and whenever you are alone, keep yourself busy.

Going out with your friends and spending time with them is a good way to feel happy during flatline and keep yourself busy.

Since you feel sadness during the NoFap flatline, going out with your friends for a fun activity will give you joy and pleasure.

5) Go on a Mini Vacation

man going on a vacation

This might sound weird but going on a vacation or a mini-vacation will surely take your mind off flatline and will give you something to look forward to and be excited about.

As you know that during flatline, one doesn’t feel excited to do anything, so going on a vacation will give you something to be excited about.

During vacation, most of your time will be spent on traveling and being outside and being busy, so you’ll spend less time alone which is a good thing.

During flatline, if you just lie in bed all day and have nothing to look forward to, you’re more likely to relapse. Going on a vacation will keep you busy and will give you joy and pleasure which you lack during flatline.


Here are the 5 things which you can do during NoFap flatline to make sure you don’t relapse:-

  1. Spend Some Time Outside
  2. Binge on Netflix or Youtube
  3. Eat Pizza, Ice cream or Your Favourite Food
  4. Go Out or Spend Time With Your Friends
  5. Go on a Mini Vacation

During NoFap flatline, you have low levels of dopamine and you don’t feel much joy and happiness.

The goal of all the points stated above is to provide your brain with dopamine from sources other than porn and masturbation.

Remember, the goal is to not try to be productive and counter flatline with doing a lot of things but taking a step back, relax and let the flatline pass and just making sure that you don’t relapse.