Does NoFap Ever Get Easier? Explained

A lot of people who do nofap wonder whether or not nofap ever gets easier. In this article, we’re gonna discuss exactly that.

YES, NoFap does get easier with time. However, this doesn’t mean that urges will disappear, they will always be there, you just become good at controlling urges with time.

Does NoFap Ever Get Easier?

As I’ve already answered, nofap does get easier with time.

But the urges will never disappear, they will always be there. You just become good at controlling urges with time.

If you’re at the starting phase of your nofap journey and you’re finding nofap difficult, just stick with it, and with time you’ll find that you’re in control. I’m saying this from my experience of following the nofap lifestyle for the past 4 years.

NoFap is supposed to hard during the first few months. Be very clear why you’re doing nofap and why you’re trying to quit porn and masturbation.

If you’re doing nofap, you’ve probably experienced the harmful side effects of excessive PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm). Depression, anxiety, brain fog, low self-esteem, erectile dysfunction are just some of the harmful side effects of excessive PMO. To know about all the harmful side effects, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.

NoFap During the Starting Phase

The first 6 months of nofap is the most challenging and difficult phase of nofap. You’re gonna relapse a lot of times and you probably won’t be able to maintain a longer streak. Your streaks will be shorter and you’ll find nofap difficult.

If you’re like most men, you’ve probably been indulging in PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm) since you were 11-12 years old and now you want to quit those habits. It’s not easy to quit a habit that you’ve been doing for years. It’s gonna take a lot of time and effort to be able to quit the habit of indulging in porn and masturbation.

Porn and masturbation release a huge amount of dopamine whenever you indulge in them. Dopamine is a feel-good chemical, that’s why indulging in porn and masturbation feels so pleasurable. When you stop it, your brain gets starved of dopamine, that’s why it is important to replace porn and masturbation with other dopamine-releasing activities.

Activities like exercising, socializing, practicing your hobby, eating tasty foods all release dopamine. You must replace porn and masturbation with other dopamine-releasing activities so that your brain can get its dose of dopamine.

Initially, you’ll relapse frequently and it’ll be harder to control your urges. You might also get flashbacks of pornography and your mind will go towards porn and masturbation very often.

Just remember that the starting phase of the nofap lifestyle is supposed to be hard. You might also get withdrawal symptoms. Mood swings, anxiety, irritability, insomnia are just some of the withdrawal symptoms. To know about all the withdrawal symptoms and how to deal with them, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.

When you start getting withdrawal symptoms, it means your brain is starting to heal and it is adjusting to your new lifestyle of not watching porn and masturbating.

Will the Urges Ever Stop?

People doing nofap also wonder will the urges ever stop?

The answer to that question is NO, the urges won’t ever disappear, they will always be there. You just become good at controlling them with time.

Urges are nothing but built-up sexual energy and if you don’t blow your load, all that sexual energy builds up inside your body and keeps finding a way to come out. It’s up to you to transmute that sexual energy into something positive. Exercising is the best way to transmute that sexual energy into something positive.

You must exercise daily on nofap, especially during the initial phase of your nofap journey. If you don’t exercise, the urges will become too much to handle.

When the urges hit you, start doing push-ups or take a cold shower. Push-ups and cold showers are instant urge-killers.

To know about how to control urges on nofap effectively, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.

Urges are not necessarily a bad thing. They are good if you can learn how to control them and transmute them to achieve your life goals. Sexual energy is one of the strongest forms of energy out there. If you can learn how to harness it and use it to your advantage, you can achieve so much more in your life.

After How Many Days Will NoFap Get Easier?

It depends on how addicted you were to porn and masturbation.

If you were heavily addicted, it will take longer, and if you were mildly addicted, it’ll take a lesser no. of days to get easier.

But, to give you a rough idea, don’t expect it to get easier before 3 months. Give it at least 3 months before expecting it to get easier.

You might relapse multiple times during the first 3 months, but it’s okay. Just keep getting back on track after every relapse and you’ll notice that your streaks are getting longer with time and nofap is becoming easier.

If you were heavily addicted to porn and masturbation and had been indulging in it for 10-12 years, then don’t expect nofap to get easier before 6 months.

Your streaks will become longer with time. Accept the fact that you won’t be able to complete 30 days or 60 days on your first try if you have been indulging in porn and masturbation for years.

What Can you do to Make NoFap Easier?

There are certain things that you can do to make nofap easier. Here are some of my tips that’ll make nofap easier for you:-

  1. Exercise daily
  2. Meditate daily
  3. Keep yourself busy most of the time
  4. Give up social media completely for the first few weeks of your nofap journey
  5. Socilaize more
  6. Practice your hobbies or build a new hobby

If you do all the above-mentioned things, you’ll notice that you’re able to control your urges better.

I’d advise you to treat nofap as a lifestyle and not as a challenge. Treating nofap as a lifestyle means not treating relapses as failures but seeing them as learning opportunities. The key thing is to get back on track after every relapse.


Yes, NoFap does get easier with time. But the urges never disappear, you just become good at controlling them with time.

How long will it take nofap to get easier depends on how addicted you were to porn and masturbation. The more addicted you were, the longer it’ll take. But don’t expect nofap to get easier before 3 months.

Initially, your streaks will be shorter, and that’s okay. You’ll become better at it and it’ll start becoming easier with time.

Understand that nofap is supposed to be hard, especially during the initial days. Don’t treat relapses as failures, treat them as a learning opportunity. Every time you relapse, find out the reason behind that relapse and try not to make the same mistake twice. Accept relapses as part of the nofap lifestyle.

Exercising, meditating, keeping yourself busy, giving up social media, socializing more, and practicing your hobbies are some of the things you can do to make nofap easier.