There are 2 types of males on this planet, alpha males and beta males.
Alpha males are confident and strong whereas beta males are weak and submissive. In this article, we’re gonna discuss what is an alpha male, what is a beta male, and what are the key differences between them.
We’re gonna be talking about males of the species homo sapiens and not of any other species, although alphas and betas exist in all the species.
What is an Alpha Male?

An Alpha male is someone who is strong, confident, charming, courageous, and lives life to the fullest.
He’s a leader and likes to take control of the situation. He doesn’t worry about anyone else’s opinion about him and just works on improving himself.
What is a Beta Male?

A beta male is someone who is submissive, weak, coward, and always lives under someone else’s shadow.
He’s a follower and can’t make decisions for himself. He relies on others to make decisions for him and guide him.
Differences Between Alpha Male and Beta Male
Here are the 8 key differences between alpha males and beta males:-
1. Physique
An Alpha male has a good physique while a beta male has a bad physique.
An Alpha takes good care of his body. He exercises regularly and puts only high-quality food inside his body. He treats his body like a temple because he knows it is one.
An Alpha understands that a fit body is necessary to feel good and it also helps in making better decisions.
A beta doesn’t take care of his body. He never exercises and shoves himself with junk and unhealthy food. That’s why betas are either too skinny or obese. However, this doesn’t mean that all skinny or obese men are betas. This means that if someone is not satisfied with their body and still they don’t work on improving it, then they have a beta mentality.
Even if a beta goes to the gym regularly and eats a healthy diet, he does it to impress women or his friends.
An Alpha takes care of his body for himself whereas a beta does it only to impress others.
This doesn’t mean that you need to have six-pack abs or a 20-inch biceps to be an alpha. You just need to have a fit and strong body that you feel comfortable in.
2. Social Gatherings
An Alpha is an extrovert while a beta is an introvert. However, this doesn’t mean that all introverts are beta.
The ability to talk to strangers, form connections, and being able to convey your thoughts to people, are essentials skills in life. An alpha has these skills while a beta doesn’t.
In his free time, an alpha goes outside and hangs out with people. While a beta stays in his room, watches porn, and jerks off.
A beta gets anxious whenever he is around a large group of people. He starts sweating at the thought of talking to strangers. He keeps to himself, not because he likes it but because he is too afraid to start a conversation.
3. Confrontations
An Alpha is not afraid to confront someone while a beta is.
This doesn’t mean that an alpha always looks for a confrontation and is provoking people to start a confrontation. This means that when someone does something he doesn’t like, alpha is not afraid to confront that person.
A beta is too afraid to start or get into a confrontation. Even when someone takes advantage of him and disrespects him, he lets it go. He doesn’t have the guts to stand up for himself. Nobody disrespects an alpha and gets away with it.
When someone cuts the line, an alpha would confront that person and tell him to go to the back of the line while a beta would do nothing even if he doesn’t like that person cutting the line.
4. Dealing With Difficulties/Problems
An alpha faces his problems head-on while a beta runs from his problems.
A beta wishes his life was easier and he didn’t need to face any difficulties or hardships. When faced with a difficult situation, he tries to run away from that situation and wishes he never would have gotten in that situation.
While an alpha knows that problems, difficulties, and hardships are all part of life and overcoming problems is what builds character.
When alpha is faced with any tough situation, he doesn’t run away from it. He tries to think what’s the best thing he can do to solve that situation.
When fired from his job, a beta thinks he wasn’t good enough for the job and tries to convince his boss to keep him, while an alpha knows that it’s the company’s loss. He starts improving his skills and applies for an even better job.
A beta is not courageous enough to quit his job and start the business he always dreamt of starting. He thinks too much about what would happen if his business failed.
But an alpha has the courage to quit his job and start his own business. He knows that even if his business failed, he won’t lose anything and will only gain from that experience.
5. Fashion Sense
An alpha has a good sense of fashion but a beta doesn’t.
An alpha knows how you dress affects the way you feel. So, he devotes his time to develop his fashion sense. A beta doesn’t care what he wears and has no fashion sense.
This doesn’t mean that alpha is too obsessed with clothes and how he looks. He doesn’t care what others think of him, but he knows that the first impression is the last impression, so he dresses accordingly.
An Alpha takes care of his skin and has a grooming routine, while a beta doesn’t.
6. Dating Skills
Alphas have a good “game” with women while betas don’t.
An alpha knows how to flirt with women and attract them. This doesn’t mean that you have to have a girlfriend to be an alpha. It’s a choice, if an alpha doesn’t want to be in a relationship, he won’t be in one. Nonetheless, he has options.
A beta doesn’t know how to attract women. So, all he does is be extra nice to women in the hope that women will take notice of his nice behavior and will start liking him. He doesn’t realize that nice guys always finish last.
Women want to be with an alpha. One who is confident and knows how to take control of the situation, not someone who is too afraid to come forward and take control of the situation.
7. Needing Validation
A beta always needs validation from others to feel good about himself while an alpha doesn’t.
While choosing his career, a beta expects someone else to choose what he should study in college because he is not confident in his decision. He expects his peers to tell him what job he should apply for and he expects his parents to choose a life partner for him.
An alpha takes his every decision by himself. He chooses what he should study in college, if he should go to college or not, what job he should apply for, whether or not he should even apply for a job, which girl to date and which girl to marry, if he should even marry or not.
An Alpha makes his every decision and is unapologetic about it. He doesn’t base his decisions on what others are doing. He is not afraid to go his own way and make his own path.
8. Body Language
Alpha males have a strong body language while beta males have weak body language.
You can tell apart an alpha from beta by their body language.
An Alpha always stands and walks straight keeping his head high. He always looks people in the eye while talking and when he sits, he spreads his legs open and takes his space.
A beta stands and walks with inward shoulders keeping his head down looking at the ground. When he talks, he doesn’t make eye-contact. Making eye-contact with people intimidates him. When he sits, he keeps his legs close to each other and tries to consume as little space as possible.
To know about other body language mistakes, check THIS OUT.
An Alpha male is someone who is strong and confident. He is a leader and takes control of the situation. He doesn’t care what others think of him and do what he wants to do.
A beta is someone who is weak and submissive. He is a follower and expects others to make decisions for him. He is not courageous and doesn’t have the guts to stand up for himself.
Comparison between alpha males and beta males:-
Trait | Alpha Males | Beta Males |
Physique | Good physique | Bad physique |
Social Gatherings | Good at social gatherings | Avoids social gatherings |
Confrontations | Not afraid to start or get into a confrontation | Afraid to start or get into a confrontation |
Dealing with Difficulties/problems | Faces his problems head-on | Runs away from his problems |
Fashion Sense | Good fashion sense | No fashion sense |
Dating skills | Good “game” with women | No “game” with women |
Needing Validation | Doesn’t need validation from others | Need Validation from others |
Body Language | Strong Body language | Weak Body language |