NoFap Confidence: Does NoFap Increase Confidence? | Explained

A lot of people before starting nofap wonder whether nofap increases confidence or not. In this article, we’re gonna talk about nofap confidence and everything else you need to know about it.

The short answer is YES, NoFap does increase confidence. Porn and masturbation decrease your confidence and when you quit it, your confidence skyrockets. You’ll be highly confident on nofap.

Increased confidence is just one of the many amazing benefits of nofap. To know about all the amazing benefits of nofap, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.

How Porn And Masturbation Decrease Your Confidence?

Porn and masturbation completely ruins your confidence and turn you into a life-less zombie.

Here are some of the ways porn and masturbation screws up your confidence:-

1. Guilt And Shame

By indulging in PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm), you’re causing yourself a lot of guilt an shame.

By watching 2 or more people having sex and then pleasing yourself, you’re saying to yourself that you’re not good enough to go and have sex yourself, that’s why you need to watch other people enjoy and try to please yourself.

If you’re hungry, you don’t watch other people eat and try to satisfy your hunger, you go and eat something for yourself. So when you’re horny, why you’re watching other people have sex and try to please yourself, go and have sex for yourself.

People who indulge in PMO regularly can’t maintain eye contact with people while talking to them. They can’t have a smooth conversation with people. They become shy and awkward in social gatherings and they start avoiding social gatherings.

2. Tired All The Time

If you indulge in PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm) regularly, you’ll be tired all the time and if you’re tired all the time you won’t be confident.

Your semen contains a lot of energy and when you ejaculate you’re wasting that energy. As a result, you’ll feel exhausted and tired. If you do it rarely, then you might not feel exhausted all the time but if you do it daily then you’ll feel exhausted and tired all the time because you won’t get enough time to recover from it. PMO drains you of your energy.

People who indulge in PMO regularly don’t feel like doing anything productive, even the smallest of the tasks becomes a burden and they feel like laying in bed all the time.

Since they feel exhausted all the time, they won’t feel like socializing or talking to people. Excessive PMO makes you socially anxious.

3. Inferiority Complex

People who indulge in PMO regularly develop an inferiority complex.

They have become so much accustomed to pleasing themselves by watching other people having sex that they start thinking of themselves as inferior to others.

By pleasing themselves while watching other people having sex, they are accepting the fact that they are not good enough to go and enjoy themselves, they have to depend on others to give them pleasure.

This inferiority complex shows in other areas of their life too. They start seeing other people as superior to them. This badly hurts their confidence.

4. Confidence With Women

PMO turns you into a simp. You start putting women on a pedestal and start treating them like goddesses.

You start seeing sex as the ultimate form of pleasure and since only women can give you sex, you start treating them like goddesses and this badly hurts your game with women.

Also, you start seeing them as sex objects. Whenever you look at a woman, having sex with her is the first thing that comes to your mind. As a result, people who indulge in PMO can’t hold a conversation with women.

Can NoFap Make You Confident?

YES, giving up porn and masturbation and doing NoFap can make you confident.

More precisely, doing nofap will bring back the confidence that you lost due to indulging in porn and masturbation. Giving up porn and masturbation will reverse the damage caused by it.

You’ll be highly confident. You’ll be more willing to talk to people. You’ll be able to have a smooth conversation with anyone.

Also, you’ll become highly confident with women. You’ll have the courage to go up to any girl and talk to her without any hesitation. You’ll stop seeing them as sex objects and start seeing them as human beings, you’ll stop putting them on a pedestal.

NoFap will increase your self-esteem. You’ll start valuing yourself more and start feeling like you can do anything you put your mind to. No goal will seem unachievable.

When Will You Start Feeling Confident on NoFap?

People also wonder when will they start feeling more confident on nofap, meaning from what day they will start feeling more confident. The answer to that question is that it depends on the individual.

If you’re heavily addicted to PMO, you might start feeling the increased confidence from week 1 itself, and if you’re mildly addicted, you might get the increased confidence from week 2 or 3.

The increase in confidence is a gradual process. Your confidence on nofap will increase slowly and gradually. The longer you do nofap, the more your confidence will increase. With each passing day or passing week, you’ll start feeling more confident.

Confidence After a Relapse

The best way to be sure that nofap increase confidence, you’d have to notice your confidence after a relapse.

You’ll be confident on nofap, but as soon as you relapse you’ll notice your confidence going down. If you relapse just once then the decrease in confidence won’t be that significant but if you relapse multiple times you’ll immediately notice the decrease in confidence.

You’ll have difficulty in maintaining eye contact with people and you won’t have the desire to socialize with people. You’ll start avoiding talking to people and you won’t enjoy conversation with people as much as before. This proves that porn and masturbation decrease your confidence while being on nofap increases it.

If you keep relapsing everyday for several days in a row, you’ll notice a huge difference in your self-esteem. You’ll start doubting your capabilities and will no longer be sure that you can achieve your goals. Your confidence and self-esteem takes a hit after a relapse.

Other Things to Do to Increase Confidence Along With NoFap

NoFap does increase your confidence, but you don’t need to depend entirely on nofap to boost your confidence. There are various other things you can do to increase your confidence.

Here are some of the things that you can do along with nofap to increase your confidence:-

  1. Exercise Regularly
  2. Set some goals and work on them
  3. Talk yourself up
  4. Get a hobby
  5. Socialize more


Porn and masturbation screws up your confidence and turn you into a life-less zombie.

You’ll feel guilt and shame and develop an inferiority complex if you indulge in PMO excessively.

You won’t feel like talking to people and will start feeling like you can’t do anything in life. Even the smallest of things will become a burden to you.

Giving up porn and masturbation and practicing the nofap lifestyle will reverse the damage done by porn and masturbation. It’ll make you confident and you’ll start feeling like you can achieve anything you put your mind to.