Stopping hair loss and growing new hair is one of the main reasons why some people follow nofap. In this article we’re gonna discuss does masturbation causes hair loss, can nofap stop hair loss and regrow new hair, can nofap help with facial hair, my experience with nofap and hair loss, and everything else you need to know about it.
What is NoFap?
NoFap is a lifestyle in which people give up PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm).
PMO has many harmful effects and giving up PMO, known as nofap has a lot of benefits. Stopping hair loss is one of them.
Does Masturbation Causes Hair Loss?
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It is a controversial topic. For some people, masturbation CAN cause hair loss.
Hair loss is mostly genetic. But there are various other factors that cause hair loss, masturbation being one of them.
If you are a chronic masturbator(daily) then there is a high chance that you’ll experience hair loss. If you do it rarely(once a week or less) then you might not experience hair loss.
But not everyone who masturbates regularly will experience hair loss. Some people may be able to masturbate daily and still not face hair loss, because genetics is the major factor behind hair loss.
But the majority of people who masturbate daily will experience some sort of hair loss or hair thinning even if they have good hair genetics(no one from both their parent’s side of the family is bald).
Reason Behind Masturbation Causing Hair Loss
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Now that you’ve understood that excessive masturbation can cause hair loss in some people, you might be wondering what’s the reason behind that.
This is because our semen contains nutrients including vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat, and protein. These are all essential for hair growth and the proper functioning of the body.
When you’re wasting these nutrients through masturbation faster than your body can replenish it through food, then you run the risk of nutrient shortage. Your body will react negatively because of the lack of nutrients, losing hair being one of them.
Can NoFap Stop Hair loss?
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In simple words, YES nofap can stop hair loss, if your hair loss is due to excessive masturbation.
Nofap is not a magic cure for hair loss. It won’t stop hair loss or regrow new hair if your hair loss is due to genetic reasons.
If you’re a teenager or in your early twenties and if you masturbate regularly(4-5 times a week) and are facing hair loss, then chances are your hair loss is due to excessive masturbation.
When no one from both your parent’s side of the family is bald, and you’re the only one experiencing hair loss, then there’s a high probability it is due to excessive masturbation.
If you’re a regular masturbator experiencing hair loss, then stop masturbation and follow nofap(give up porn too) for 30 days and notice the difference.
If your hair fall/hair loss is due to excessive masturbation, you’ll see a big difference within a month.
Can NoFap Regrow Hair?
Now that you’ve understood nofap can stop hair fall/hair loss if it is due to masturbation, the next question arises if it can regrow new hair.
The answer is yes, it can regrow new hair if your hair loss was due to masturbation.
If you’re completely bald due to genetics, then nofap won’t magically grow your hair back.
However, if you have bald spots because you lost your hair due to excessive masturbation, then giving up masturbation could grow new hair to your bald spots.
Many people who gave up masturbation and practiced nofap have reported that they grew new hairs and got better hair density because of nofap. To read one such story, click here.
You can find many more stories like this on different online nofap forums. Nofap forum on Reddit, r/nofap is one such forum.
Can NoFap Help With Facial Hair?
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Not only nofap can help you with hair on your head, but also with facial hair.
Some people genetically have thicker facial hair and some don’t have any facial hair.
If you don’t have any facial here, then nofap won’t make you grow a full thick beard but it’ll definitely make your facial hair a little bit thicker.
If you’ve got a thin beard then nofap can make it a little bit thicker, but not like someone who genetically has a full thick beard.
My Experience With NoFap and hair loss
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I was also a chronic masturbator and faced many mental and physical problems because of it, hair loss is one of them. [My Story]
I started facing a huge hair loss. Then I searched on the internet and found out that excessive masturbation can cause hair loss.
I stopped masturbating and noticed a huge difference within a month. My hair fall completely stopped and I also grew new hairs.
I also took some other measures in addition to nofap, which I’m gonna mention next.
Other Tips to Reduce Hair loss
Giving up masturbation is one way to reduce hair loss. In my opinion, you should also take some other steps to stop hair loss and grow new hair.
These are the things which you can do in addition to nofap to stop hair loss:-
- Take enough protein in your diet
- Massage your scalp with a mixture of olive, castor, and coconut oil
- Use an egg mask on your hair
- Use onion oil on your scalp
- Stop taking stress
I’ve already written an article explaining these things in detail, check out that article by CLICKING HERE.
Excessive masturbation can cause hair loss in some people. But not every chronic masturbator will experience hair loss.
Masturbation causes hair loss because our semen contains nutrients like vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat, and protein.
When you masturbate, you’re wasting these nutrients which are necessary for your body including your hair.
If you have good hair genetics, meaning no one from both sides of your parent’s family is bald and you’re a regular masturbator(4-5 times a week) experiencing hair loss, there’s a high probability your hair loss is due to excessive masturbation.
Give up masturbation for 30 days and notice the difference. If your hair loss is due to masturbation, you’ll experience a huge difference within 30 days.
NoFap doesn’t just help with hair on your head but also your facial hair. You’ll experience thicker facial hair after following nofap.