A lot of people who are doing nofap or thinking about doing nofap wonder whether nofap can make them happier or not. In this article, we’re going to discuss exactly that.
Yes, NoFap CAN make you happier. Excessive use of Porn and masturbation make you depressed, anxious, and lonely. By quitting porn and masturbation(doing nofap) you can reverse all those damages. You’ll be confident, charismatic, motivated, and your self-esteem will improve. All these things contribute to a higher level of happiness.
Do Porn And Masturbation Make You Unhappy?
Yes, excessive use of porn and masturbation makes you unhappy. They make you unhappy by making you depressed, anxious, and lonely. These are only some of the harmful side-effects of excessive PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm), to know about all the side-effects, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.
1. Depression
Excessive use of porn and masturbation will make you depressed. It’ll numb your mind and you will stop enjoying anything.
You’ll stop enjoying things which you used to enjoy like your hobbies or hanging out with friends. You’d just want to lay in your bed and watch porn. Excessive use of porn and masturbation turns you into a lifeless zombie.
Needless to say, when you’re depressed, you won’t be just unhappy, you’ll be miserable.
You can go to the online NoFap forum, r/nofap, and read about the stories of many guys stating how PMO made them depressed. You can read one such story by clicking here.
I asked the question to people whether the excessive use of porn and masturbation gave them depressive symptoms or not on my nofap Instagram page(@the_fapstronaut). Let’s look at what they say.

96% of people said that excessive use of porn and masturbation gave them depressive symptoms, while only 4% said it didn’t.
2. Anxiety
Excessive use of porn and masturbation will also make you socially anxious.
You won’t feel like talking to anyone, not even your family members. You’ll start avoiding social gatherings, just the thought of being around people will make you anxious.
You’ll also start seeing women as sex objects. As a result, just holding a conversation with a woman will become difficult because you’ll be thinking about having sex with her all the time.
When you’re socially anxious, you’ll feel alienated and you’ll definitely be unhappy.
I asked people the question whether porn and masturbation made them socially anxious or not on my nofap Instagram page(@the_fapstronaut). Let’s look at what they.

91% of people said that porn and masturbation made them socially anxious. while 9% said it didn’t.
3. Loneliness
Indulging in excessive PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm) will make you feel isolated and lonely.
The guilt and shame associated with porn and masturbation will weigh you down. You’ll notice that you’re not able to make eye contact with people while talking with them.
Feeling isolated and alienated from the rest of the world will definitely make you unhappy and miserable.
People indulge in PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm) because they feel lonely and they become more lonely because of indulging in it. It’s an unending cycle. The only way to end this cycle is to stop watching porn and jerking off, and go out and socialize.
Does NoFap Make You Happier?
As I’ve already answered, yes, NoFap can make you happier by eliminating all the problems that were caused by porn and masturbation.
By practicing the nofap lifestyle, you will eliminate depression, anxiety, and loneliness from your life. It’s important to note here that excessive use of porn and masturbation is not the only cause of depression and anxiety. There could be many more reasons behind it. But, if you indulge in PMO excessively, you first need to quit it to see whether or not you notice an improvement.
By practicing the nofap lifestyle, you’ll be more confident, more motivated, your self-esteem will improve, your willingness to socialize will improve, all these things will increase your happiness and make you joyful.
These are just some of the many amazing benefits of NoFap. To know about all the amazing benefits of nofap, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.
It’s also important to note here that nofap is not a magic cure. NoFap will give you all the things which porn and masturbation took it away from you. You’re supposed to feel confident, motivated, charismatic, happy, and joyful, it’s just that porn and masturbation took it away from you and by quitting it(doing nofap), you get all these things back.
How Long Will it Take For NoFap to Make You Feel Happier?
This depends on the individual. The longer you were addicted to porn and masturbation, the longer it will take to reverse its damages.
But as a general rule of thumb, people start feeling the benefits of nofap within one month of practicing the nofap lifestyle. Do nofap for at least 30 days to see whether you’re feeling happier to not.
If you’ve been indulging in porn and masturbation for years, you might not be able to get to 30 days on your first try. The key is to keep getting back on track every time you relapse. NoFap might feel like a difficult thing to do at first, but with time, it’ll get easier.
Enjoying Little Things in Life
NoFap will make you start enjoying little things in life. You’ll start enjoying walking in the sun more, looking at the rain more, having a conversation with people more, etc.
Porn and masturbation screw up your dopamine receptors, and doing nofap get your dopamine receptors to the normal level. That’s the reason behind you enjoying little things in life on nofap.
Just having a conversation with someone will give you joy and natural things like sunlight, rain, walking in a garden will give you pleasure and you’ll start enjoying those things more.
What Else Can You Do to Feel Happier?
NoFap will definitely make you happier, but you shouldn’t just rely only on nofap to feel happy. You should also include other things in life that’ll make you happy. Some of those things are:-
- Socializing
- Exercising
- Doing meaningful work
- Travelling
- Being close to nature
NoFap can make you happier by eliminating all damages done by porn and masturbation.
Excessive use of porn and masturbation make you depressed, anxious, and lonely. These all things make you unhappy. By quitting porn and masturbation and following the nofap lifestyle, you reverse all these damages and become confident, motivated, and charismatic again. You’ll start enjoying little things in life and your happiness level will increase on nofap.
How long will it take for nofap to reverse all the damage done by porn and masturbation and make you feel happier depends on how addicted you were to porn and masturbation. The longer you were addicted, the longer it will take.