So, You’ve heard about nofap and now you’re wondering whether nofap is worth doing or not. In this article, we’re gonna discuss exactly that.
You might have heard people talk about all the amazing nofap benefits and you might be wondering whether those benefits are real or not. You might also have done nofap for a while and either you found it hard or didn’t experience the benefits, so now you’re wondering whether it is worth it or not. All your questions will be answered in this article.
Is NoFap Worth Doing?
YES, NoFap is absolutely worth doing. Porn and masturbation have a lot of harmful side effects and when you quit it, your life is gonna get better. NoFap may be hard at first, but it is absolutely worth doing.
Saying that nofap is not worth doing means porn and masturbation have no harmful side effects or the nofap benefits are not worth the sacrifice.
Social anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, erectile dysfunction, brain fog are just some of the many harmful side effects of excessive PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm). To know about all the side effects, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.
When you quit porn and masturbation, all these damages are gonna get reversed with time. It won’t happen overnight, but nofap will reverse all the damage done by porn and masturbation.
Why Do People Doubt NoFap?
If porn and masturbation have so many side effects and quitting it(doing nofap) can reverse all the damage, then why do people doubt nofap?
Well, I’ve observed that there are certain types of people or certain circumstances under which people doubt nofap. Let’s look at who are those people and what those circumstances are.
1. People Who Think NoFap is Too Hard for them
Some people think nofap is gonna be too hard for them or they might have done nofap and found it difficult, so they think that nofap is not worth the sacrifice.
But the fact that it was hard for them only proves that they are addicted to porn and masturbation. If you can’t go 2 weeks without indulging in porn and masturbation, then you have a compulsion and you must do nofap to overcome that compulsion.
If you’ve got a compulsion to indulge in porn and masturbation and you can’t control it, then you probably are already experiencing the harmful side effects. You need to make those side effects your motivation to quit porn and masturbation.
If you’ve done nofap and found it difficult, it’s a sign that you must do nofap. NoFap is supposed to be hard and it is difficult initially, but with time it gets easier. You just need to stick with it.
If you’re wondering when does nofap gets easier, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.
2. People Who Think They Are Not Addicted to Porn & Masturbation
People who think that they are not addicted to porn and masturbation or don’t have a compulsion to indulge in it think that nofap is not worth the sacrifice.
I agree with it too. If you can go 30 days without indulging in porn and masturbation on your first try, then you don’t have a compulsion and you don’t need to do nofap.
Take the 30-day nofap challenge and if you can complete it on your first try, then you don’t need to think about nofap. If you can go 30 days on your first try, it means you never indulged in porn and masturbation or very rarely indulge in it.
If you can go 30 days without it and are not experiencing any side effects because of it, then nofap is not for you.
NoFap is for people who have a compulsion to watch porn and/or masturbate and it is interfering with the quality of their life. By giving up porn and masturbation and practicing the nofap lifestyle, they reverse all the damage done by porn and masturbation.
3. People Who Think There Are No NoFap Benefits
Some people do nofap only for the benefits. They hear about all these amazing nofap benefits and they start doing nofap in the expectations of getting those benefits. When they don’t experience those benefits they start doubting nofap.
All those nofap benefits are just you getting back to your normal state. Porn and masturbation badly hurt your self-esteem and confidence, and giving up porn and masturbation restores your self-esteem and confidence. Similarly, porn and masturbation make you socially awkward, depressed and make you see women as sex objects, and giving up porn and masturbation(doing nofap) reverses those damages. You become socially charismatic, your depression goes away and you start seeing women as fellow human beings.
To know about all the amazing benefits of nofap, check out my detailed article on the topic by clicking here.
Giving up porn and masturbation reverses all the damage done by it, that’s what people call nofap benefits. Nofap makes you how you were before you started watching porn and jerking off.
If you’re not experiencing benefits on nofap, it means either you did not have a compulsion or you haven’t been on nofap for long enough.
Some people start experiencing the benefits from week one and some experience it later in their nofap journey. Do at least 20 days of nofap before judging whether nofap is working for you or not.
What NoFap Can Do For You?
NoFap can reverse all the damage done by porn and masturbation. It’ll make you how you were before you started indulging in porn and masturbation.
It’s important to set your expectations right with nofap so you don’t get disappointed. NoFap is not a magic cure that’ll solve all your life’s problems, it’s just a tool you can use to reverse all that damage done by porn and masturbation and improve your life. See nofap as a self-improvement tool.
You’ll become charismatic, you’d be more willing to socialize, your self-esteem and confidence will improve, etc. but that’s how you were supposed to be, it’s just that porn and masturbation took it away from you.
You’re still gonna have bad days on nofap, because humans are supposed to have good and bad days. But, on nofap, the frequency of bad days will decrease and you’ll still be able to get things done on your bad days.
Indulging in excessive porn and masturbation makes you lazy and unmotivated. You won’t have any motivation to work on your goals. Porn and masturbation turn you into a lifeless zombie. NoFap will make you a human again and will give you the self-esteem, confidence, motivation, charisma that porn and masturbation took it away from you.
What NoFap Can’t Do For You?
NoFap can’t solve all your life’s problems. It will give you the motivation to improve your life, but you’re gonna have to put in the time and effort to achieve what you want to achieve.
It’ll give you the motivation and confidence to go up to a girl and talk to her confidently, but you’re gonna still have to approach women to get a girlfriend. Just doing nofap and not approaching women won’t get you a girlfriend.
It’ll give you the motivation and energy to go to the gym and work on your body, but you’re still gonna have to hit the gym regularly to achieve the body of your dreams. Just doing nofap and not hitting the gym won’t give you the physique you want.
If you expect nofap to fix your life and treat it as a magic tool, you’ll be highly disappointed. Not watching porn and not jerking off won’t do anything on its own. By not indulging in porn and masturbation, you’re preserving your sexual energy, it’s up to you to utilize that sexual energy to achieve your life goals.
NoFap is absolutely worth doing. NoFap will reverse all the damage done by porn and masturbation.
You’ll be more charismatic, your self-esteem and confidence will improve, you’d be more motivated to improve your life, etc. There are so many benefits of doing nofap.
It’s important to set your expectations right with nofap. NoFap can’t solve all your life’s problems. It’ll give you the motivation to work and improve your life, but you’re gonna still have to put in the time and effort to achieve your goals.
Just doing nofap and expecting your life to improve is not a smart strategy. If you expect nofap to fix all your problems for you, you’ll be disappointed.