How Long Does it Take to Rewire Brain on NoFap? Explained

Porn and masturbation screw up your brain and giving up porn and masturbation(doing nofap) rewire it to your “normal” state.

Many nofappers(people who do nofap) wonder about how much time it’ll take to rewire their brain on nofap. In this article, we’re gonna discuss exactly that. We’ll discuss how porn and masturbation screw up your brain, how long will it take to rewire your brain, what happens during the rewiring process, and can you indulge in PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm) after your brain rewires.

How Porn & Masturbation Screws up Your Brain

Before understanding what happens during the rewiring process, we need to understand how porn and masturbation screw up your brain.

1. Getting Aroused Only With Porn

Porn rewires your brain to get aroused only with porn and not with a real life partner.

Porn and masturbation addicts often find that they can no longer get an erection while having sex with a partner. They also no longer find their partner attractive. They lose all interest in having sex with another human being and can only feel pleasure by jerking off to porn.

The condition where you can get an erection with porn but not with a real partner is called porn-induced erectile dysfunction(PIED).

Earlier erectile dysfunction(ED) was seen as something which only affected older people, but with the rise and the widespread use of high-speed internet pornography, more and more younger men are finding themselves suffering from it.

To know more about porn-induced erectile dysfunction(PIED), its causes, symptoms, treatment, etc. check out my detailed article on the topic by CLICKING HERE.

2. Seeing Women as Sex Objects

Porn makes you see women as sex objects. Porn makes you believe that sex is the ultimate goal of life and since only women can give you sex, you start seeing them as sex objects.

Porn and masturbation addicts often can’t hold a conversation with a girl because all they can think about is taking her to bed. Whenever a porn and masturbation addict sees a woman, the first thing which comes to his mind is having sex with her. For him, women are just there to give him pleasure and they feel they are entitled to sex.

This mindset of seeing women as sex objects badly hurts their ‘game’ with women and it becomes harder for them to get a girlfriend because they come across as desperate sex-maniac.

3. Disturbing Genres of Porn

The genre of porn people watch escalates very quickly. First People start watching “normal” porn(vanilla porn), but after sometimes that genre of porn no longer gives them pleasure and they need to switch to extreme genres of porn to keep feeling pleasure.

So, they switch to BDSM, A2M, interfamily, gay, trans, femdom, etc. They keep switching to more extreme genres of porn to keep feeling pleasure. As a result, they lose their interest in normal 1-on-1 sex. Even while having sex with their partner, they need to perform those disturbing activities which they saw in porn to get pleasure.

Whenever a porn addict sees a woman, the first thought which comes to his mind is performing those disturbing activities which he saw in porn with that woman. For him, sex is just about getting pleasure and he gets obsessed with disturbing and unnatural sex.

4. Not Enjoying Anything Other Than Porn & Masturbation

A porn and masturbation addict enjoys nothing other than watching porn and jerking off.

Porn and masturbation release a lot of dopamine and his dopamine receptors get desensitized due to it. As a result, activities that can’t give him the same level of dopamine as porn and masturbation, no longer excite him.

Activities such as exercising, working, studying, no longer interests him and he loses interest in his hobbies.

Will NoFap Rewire Your Brain?

Now that you’ve understood how porn and masturbation screw up your brain and cause psychological problems. The next question which arises is, can giving up porn and masturbation can reverse all the damage?

The answer to that question is Yes, giving up porn and masturbation rewires your brain to its normal state. You no longer see women as sex objects, you start enjoying little things in life, and start getting arousal and erection with a real partner.

How Long Does it Take to Rewire Your Brain?

This depends on the individual. The more addicted you were to porn and masturbation, the longer it’ll take to rewire your brain. The general rule of thumb is that it takes around 90-150 days of nofap to rewire your brain.

Keep in mind that it’s 90-150 days of not watching porn or masturbating even a single time. If you watch porn and masturbate regularly, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll reach this milestone on your first try. You’ll need several attempts and many months or even years to reach this milestone.

The rewiring process doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a gradual process. It’s not like one day you’ll wake up and find that your brain is completely rewired. You’ll feel the rewiring happening in your brain slowly. You’ll slowly start liking activities like exercising, studying and you’ll slowly stop seeing women as sex objects and start seeing them as fellow human beings. Your erectile dysfunction will also slowly disappear. These are all signs of brain rewiring.

What Happens During The Rewiring Process?

Due to the high amount of dopamine released by porn and masturbation, your dopamine receptors get desensitized and you no longer enjoy any other activity other than porn and masturbation.

When you give up porn and masturbation, your dopamine receptors comes back to its normal levels since it is not getting flooded with the huge amount of dopamine. As your dopamine receptors come back to their normal levels, your brain gets starved of dopamine and starts looking for activities that can give it dopamine. As a result, small dopamine releasing activities(compared to porn and masturbation) like exercising, socializing, your hobbies, start seeming interesting, and you start enjoying those activities.

Can You Indulge in Porn and Masturbation After Your Brain Rewires?

A lot of nofappers wonder can they again start watching porn and masturbating once their brain gets rewired to its normal state.

The answer to that question is No, you cannot go back to your old lifestyle of watching porn and jerking off. Your brain will again get screwed up and you’ll again start having those problems.

Once you experience the benefits of nofap, you won’t want to go back to your old lifestyle of watching porn and jerking off. To know about all the amazing benefits of nofap, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

If you’re experiencing the negative side effects of porn and masturbation and are trying to it, I recommend reading the book “Your Brain on Porn” by Gary Wilson. It explains the scientific reason behind porn affecting our brain negatively and what you can do to quit it. It’s the best book I’ve read on the topic. It is available on Amazon.

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This is how porn and masturbation screws up your brain:-

  1. Getting Aroused Only With Porn
  2. Seeing Women as Sex objects
  3. Disturbing Genres of Porn
  4. Not Enjoying Anything Other Than Porn & Masturbation

If you watch porn and masturbate regularly and are experiencing the above-mentioned psychological problems, then porn and masturbation have screwed up your brain, and it’s time for you to give it up.

Remember, that it will take several attempts and many failures for you to rewire your brain. It might take months and even years but it is worth it. You can’t live like being a slave to porn and masturbation.