Calling a man beta is an insult. No one wants to be a beta. But, how do we know if someone is beta? What are the traits of a beta male?
In this article, we’re gonna discuss what is a beta male and the top 8 traits of a beta male.
What is a Beta Male?
A beta male is someone who is soft and not confident. He is easily intimidated and pushed around by people. He lacks the confidence, charisma, and drive which are necessary for success in life. He has no goals and just gets through life without any ambition.
He is socially awkward and a people pleaser. Even if someone disrespects him, he is afraid of confronting that person and gets easily bullied by people.
Traits of a Beta Male
Here are the top 8 traits of a beta male:-
1. He’s Not a Decision Maker

A beta male is not a leader, but a follower. He doesn’t make his own decisions and let other people make important decisions for him.
He thinks he is not capable to choose his own path and make his own decisions, that’s why he relies on other people to guide them in what to do in his life.
He lets his parents choose what he should study in college and which girl to marry. He lets peer pressure decide which job he should apply for.
A beta male is too afraid to grab opportunities and let them slip by.
You can’t succeed in life by relying on other people to make decisions for you and hoping that someone else would guide you to success. That’s why beta males are not successful.
2. He is Physically Weak

A beta male is physically weak and easily intimidated by everyone. He is pushed around by people and lets other people take advantage of him.
You don’t have to be a bodybuilder or the world’s strongest man to be an alpha, but you need to have a good physique and a fit body.
A beta male doesn’t take care of his body. He is either too skinny or obese.
He is not physically strong to do manual work. He avoids any tasks where manual work is required.
3. He Avoids Confrontation

A beta male is afraid of confrontations.
This doesn’t mean that an alpha male always looks for a confrontation and gets into a confrontation without any reason. An alpha male doesn’t start a confrontation but is not afraid to get into one.
If something about someone is bothering them, an alpha would confront that person whereas a beta would just let it be.
If a neighbor is blasting loud music during the night, an alpha would go there and tell them to turn the volume down otherwise they’d call the cops, whereas a beta would just get frustrated and not do anything about it.
If someone cuts the line, an alpha would confront that person and tell that person to go to the back of the line whereas a beta would just let it be and not do anything about it.
An Alpha is not afraid of confrontations but a beta is.
4. He is Socially Awkward

A beta male doesn’t have any social skills. He is an introvert. This doesn’t mean that all introverts are beta.
A beta avoids any social gatherings because he is too afraid to go talk to anyone. He is always worried about his image.
A beta spends most of his free time in his room playing video games, watching porn, and masturbating to pixels on the screen. He interacts with only his online “friends” because he is too afraid to talk to anyone face to face.
A beta male never gets invited to a party and even if he is invited to one, he is too afraid to go. He is too afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. He is always thinking about what the other person would think about him.
A beta has little to no friends and is afraid to make friends. This doesn’t mean that having too many friends make you an alpha, but the ability to talk to strangers, make friends, and form a connection with people is an essential skill in life, beta males lack this skill.
5. He Has a Weak Body Language

You can tell apart an alpha from a beta by their body language.
A beta never stands straight and keeps his head down while walking. He either walks too fast or too slow and gives way to people coming his way from the opposite direction rather than standing his ground and making them change their path.
When a beta talks to someone, they don’t look them in the eye. They avoid eye contact because making eye contact makes them uncomfortable.
When a beta sits somewhere, he tries to consume as little space as possible and keeps his legs close while an alpha spreads his legs and takes his space.
To know about the powerful body language of confident people, check THIS OUT.
6. He Has No Ambitions in Life

A Beta male has no ambitions or goals in life. He just drifts along with life because he doesn’t believe that his actions are capable to change his life.
He accepts whatever life throws at him and thinks that his actions are insignificant to make a change.
A beta chooses whatever major everyone else is choosing in college and applies for the job which everyone else is applying for. He doesn’t have the courage to do something different.
He goes to his job every single morning even though he hates his job and makes no attempt to pursue his passion or start the business he’s always dreamt of starting.
He believes that success depends on luck and human actions are insignificant.
7. He Wished Everyone Would Like Him

A beta always makes effort to make everyone else like him. He is a people pleaser.
He says what people wanna hear so they’ll like him and avoid saying anything that might offend someone even if it is something that he believes in.
He values other’s opinions about him more than his own opinion about him.
A beta is always present for everyone even though they might not do the same for him. He doesn’t value his time.
He would go to a great extent to please everyone even if it causes trouble for him.
8. He Can’t Say “No”

Whenever someone asks for a favor, a beta male always says yes, not because he wants to help but because he is too afraid to say “No”.
A beta thinks that if he says no, the other person will think negatively of him. He is obsessed with other people’s opinions about him.
Always saying “yes” often leads him into trouble and he ends up picking someone else’s burden, but he is too afraid to say No.
If you have some of the qualities of a beta male, I recommend reading “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi. It’ll give you an idea about the mindset of an alpha male and also give you an insight into what women want in a man. It is available on Amazon.

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A beta male is someone who relies on others to make decisions for him and has no courage. He is physically and mentally weak and easily intimidated by everyone.
He has no ambitions in life and just drifts along with life. He let people bully him and take advantage of him.
Here are the top 8 traits of a beta male:-
- He’s Not a Decision Maker
- He is Physically Weak
- He Avoids Confrontation
- He is Socially Awkward
- He Has a Weak Body Language
- He Has No Ambitions in Life
- He Wished Everyone Would Like Him
- He Can’t Say “No”
The biggest characteristic of a beta male is that he doesn’t try to improve himself and thinks that his actions are insignificant to make a change.
If an alpha finds that they have some traits of a beta male, they would work on it and eliminate that behavior/habit. That’s what makes them alpha. An Alpha is not perfect but he always looks for improving himself. He knows that his actions are capable enough to change his life.
Whereas if a beta finds that they have some traits of a beta male, they would ignore it. They’ll think they are fine just the way they are and there is no need for change. They think like this because they don’t think they are capable enough to change anything.