6 Male Grooming Habits for Better Skin

In the past, having a skincare routine and taking care of your skin was seen as something reserved for women. But now, more and more men have started focusing on their skin and are trying to have radiant and glowing skin. And why not, having clear and glowing skin makes you more attractive and boosts your confidence.

Your face is the first thing people notice when they see you and if you have spotless and clear skin, they’ll know that this guy takes his skincare routine seriously and is a high-quality man.

Having glowing and radiant skin not only makes you look attractive but also boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Taking care of your skin is a form of self-love and it shows that you cherish and value your body.

The good news is that having a spotless and clear skin is a lot easier than you’d think. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on costly cosmetic products or spend a lot of time in your washroom. Just follow the below-mentioned simple, effective, and easy-to-follow steps and you’ll start seeing results within a month.

my before and after photo

These 6 simple and effective habits have completely changed my skin and transformed my skin from dull looking to a radiant, glowing, and clear skin.

1) Wash Your Face Twice a Day

Wash Your Face Twice a Day to have better skin

This is the most basic thing that you can do for your face. Wash your face at least twice a day with a good quality face wash which suits your face.

Use a face wash according to your skin type. If you’ve oily skin, use a face wash which fights oily skin, if you’ve got dry skin, there are also face washes especially made for that. If you’ve dark spots on your skin, use a face wash specially designed for that. Whatever your skin type may be, there’s a face wash available for that skin type. The point being, know your skin type and use a face wash accordingly.

Now, about the timing of washing your face. You should wash your face in the morning during the shower and in the evening/night just before going to bed. And don’t forget to moisturize your face after washing. If you workout, don’t forget to wash your face after the workout with a good quality face wash.

Check out my recommended GARNIER face wash for men on Amazon (If you’re form India)

Check out my recommended L’Oreal face wash for men on Amazon (If you’re form USA)

2) Exfoliate Twice a Week

Exfoliate Twice a Week to have better skin

An exfoliating face wash or a scrub is different than a normal face wash. An exfoliating face scrub removes dead skin cells and brings newer, healthier skin cells to the surface which a normal face wash can’t do.

Use a good quality exfoliating scrub that suits your skin. You’ll immediately feel the difference in your skin after exfoliating, your skin will feel softer and will start glowing. Don’t forget to moisturize your face after exfoliating with a good-quality moisturizer.

You can also exfoliate your face thrice a week if you workout regularly and sweat a lot. But don’t overdo it, exfoliating more than thrice a week can damage your skin. Over exfoliating your face will remove all the necessary oil and moisture from your face and will make it dry.

Check out my recommended Mamaearth charcoal face scrub for men on Amazon (If you’re form India)

Check out my recommended Viking Revolution face scrub for men on Amazon (If you’re form USA)

3) Drink Enough Water

Drink Enough Water to have better skin

Drinking enough water not only makes your skin glow but also has several other health benefits. It cleanses your body and helps with bowel movements. But here, we are only gonna talk about the effect it has on your skin.

Drinking enough water helps the body to flush out toxins while giving you healthier skin. Water also increases blood flow to the skin which gives it an even tone and reduces the risk of acne and other skin problems.

Now, how much water is enough? You should be aiming to drink 4-5 liters of water every day. Practice drinking lots of water for a month and notice the difference it has on your skin and body.

The timing of drinking water is also important. You should drink 1 ltr of water just after waking up, first thing in the morning, and keep drinking a glass of water at regular intervals.

4) Sweat it Out

sweat for better skin

Sweating is good for your skin. It cleanses the skin of dirt, oil and impurities.

Make a habit of exercising regularly either in the gym, at home, or at the ground. Include a form of physical activity in your daily routine, it could be anything like cycling, hiking, running, or lifting weights. We all know that exercising is good for your body and your health, but, it is also beneficial for your skin.

Also, wash your face just after working out/exercising. If sweat sits on the skin for too long, it can irritate the skin and can cause inflammation.

5) Eat Clean food

 Eat Clean food for better skin

You are what you eat. Whatever you eat, is gonna show on your skin. If you eat a lot of oily and junk food, it’ll show on your skin.

Make a habit of eating clean food. Eat a diet rich in vegetables and unsaturated fats and low in dairy and sugar. Try to eat home-cooked meals and avoid processed foods. Limit your intake of fast or junk food to once a week and avoid sugary drinks.

Foods like carrots, avocados, and sweet potato have proven to be beneficial for skin, so, include these in your daily diet. You could also add a Vitamin C supplement to your diet, it has proven to fight skin damage and promote wound healing.

6) Wear Sunscreen

wear sunscreen for better skin

The harmful UV rays from the sun damage the skin and causes dark spots and premature ageing of the skin.

There’s a misconception among people that they only need to wear sunscreen during summer to avoid sunburn, but, it really should be a year-round practice.

Always wear sunscreen while going outside during the day no matter the weather condition, because sun rays are always present during the day and with it the harmful UV rays.

Choose a good quality sunscreen with an SPF( Sun protection factor) of at least 30 and apply it on your face, neck, and parts exposed to the sun, every time you go outside.

Check out my recommended Beardo Sunscreen for men on Amazon (If you’re from India)

Check out my recommended Supergoop Sunscreen on Amazon (If you’re from USA)


These are the 6 male grooming habits for better skin:-

  1. Wash Your Face Twice a Day
  2. Exfoliate Twice a Week
  3. Drink Enough Water
  4. Sweat it Out
  5. Eat Clean food
  6. Wear Sunscreen

These 6 simple, effective, and easy-to-follow habits are guaranteed to give you better, clear, and glowing skin within a month. Follow these habits for a month and see the difference for yourself. Do come here back and give your reviews after following these habits.