How to Stop Being a Simp? 8 Practical Tips

A simp is someone who is too nice to women in the hope of getting sex. Nobody wants to be a simp.

In this article, we’re gonna discuss what is a simp and how to stop being a simp.

What is a Simp?

A simp is someone who does everything a woman asks for in the hope that she’ll start liking him and will sleep with him.

He has no “game” with women, so all he does is be extra nice to women and hope that the woman will take notice of his nice behavior and will start liking him.

Because of his nice behavior, he often gets taken advantage of and put into “friendzone” by women.

How to Stop Being a Simp?

Here are the 8 things you can do to stop being a simp:-

1. Stop Putting Women on a Pedestal

Simps puts women on a pedestal. They treat women as goddesses like they have no imperfection.

But, the truth is women are just as human as men. They have their own insecurities, feelings, and faults. They are not perfect.

Start treating women just as another human being, treat them like you’d treat any man. You don’t need to be nice to them.

Stop caring about what women think about you. Their opinion does nothing to your benefit.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you need to be rude to women. Treat them like you treat a man. When they do something you like, appreciate them and when they do something you don’t like, confront them about it.

You don’t need to give your seat to a woman on a bus or train unless she is pregnant or old. When a woman says something offensive to you, don’t let it go just because she is a woman, confront her about it.

2. Stop Obsessing Over One Girl

Simps often obsess over one girl. They can’t stop thinking about a girl like she is the last woman on the planet.

Stop obsessing over a girl, obsessing over one girl is how you become a simp. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

If you like a girl and she doesn’t like you back, cut her off from your life and find some other girl which also has feelings for you.

Don’t try to make a girl who doesn’t like you, like you. There is no need for it.

If you like a girl and she puts you in the “friendzone”, cut her off from your life immediately. Don’t just be friends with her in the hope that she’ll start liking you romantically one day.

3. Stop Watching Porn and Jerking Off

Watching porn and jerking off turns you into a simp.

Watching two people having sex and pleasing yourself is a simp mentality. That’s what porn is, watching other people having sex and pleasing yourself.

You don’t watch other people eating when you’re hungry, you go and eat something for yourself to satisfy your hunger. Similarly, when you’re horny, why watch other people having sex and try to satisfy yourself? Go out and meet with women. Have sex with real women instead of seeing other people having sex.

Watching porn and jerking off sends your brain a subconscious signal that you’re not good enough to have sex with a woman, that’s why you are watching other men have sex with women.

Not to mention watching porn and jerking off have a lot of harmful side-effects. To know about those harmful side-effects, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

4. Stop Obsessing Over Sex

Simps are too nice to women, not because they are genuinely nice but in the hope of getting sex. They value sex a lot and do everything possible to get sex from a woman.

They think about sex most of the time. They are often thinking about what can they do to make a woman sleep with them. Since only women can give them sex, women have strong control over simps.

Just like masturbating is a 5-second pleasure, sex is also a 5-minute pleasure. Stop running behind pleasure.

Sex is just masturbating with another person unless you’re having sex to build an intimate relationship with a person.

Having sex with someone can be a great way to build an intimate relationship with that person. But having sex just so you can orgasm is a waste of your time and your life force(semen).

Giving up porn and masturbation is a good way to stop obsessing over sex. Porn makes you think of women as sex objects.

Don’t get so obsessed with sex that a woman starts having control over you.

5. Work on Your Goals

Stop focusing on women and sex and start focusing on yourself and your goals.

Nobody and nothing should come before your goals. If you don’t have a goal in your life yet, set one and work on it every single day.

The goal could be anything, building a good physique, learning something new, starting your own business, etc.

A man without a goal just drifts along with life and accepts whatever life throws at him. When you don’t have something going on for yourself, you tend to depend on others for happiness and validation.

When you’re busy working on yourself and improving yourself, you won’t have time to obsess over women. Obsessing over women is a sign that you don’t have much going on in your life.

6. Stop Needing Validation From Women

Simps often need validation from women to feel good about themselves.

When a woman gives simp attention, he’ll feel good about himself and when she doesn’t, he’ll think what can he do to get attention from women. A simp lives for women’s attention.

Realize that you don’t need validation from anyone, certainly not women, to feel good about yourself.

7. Don’t Let Any Woman Disrespect You

Simps often lets women disrespect them. Just because they are women, a simp thinks they are allowed to do whatever they like.

A simp will always text a woman first and even if he doesn’t get a response back, he’ll keep texting her. He’ll make all the efforts to stay connected and she’ll make no effort on her behalf. He has no self-respect when it comes to women.

If you feel that a woman is not appreciating your gestures, cut her off immediately. Don’t let any woman disrespect you and get away with it.

If a woman talks to you in a loud voice, don’t let it go and make her pay for it. When a woman asks you to recharge her phone, walk her dog, or accompany her shopping, refuse it. You don’t need to be in contact with such favor-seeking women.

8. Don’t Be Too Nice to Women

As I’ve said earlier, simps are too nice to women. You don’t need to be nice to women.

Only be nice to a woman when you think she deserves your nice behavior. Don’t be nice to a woman just because she is a woman.

When a woman wants to talk to you about her recent fight with her boyfriend, don’t do it. Only simps talk to a girl about her recent fight or break up with her boyfriend. Girls consider men like these her girlfriend.

The no. 1 key to stop being a simp is to stop treating women any differently and start treating them like you’d treat any man.

If you want to know in detail what you can do to stop being a nice guy, I recommend reading the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” By Robert A. Glover. It’ll help you improve your dating life and give you an insight into what women want in a man. It is available on Amazon.

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A simp is someone who is too nice to women in the hope of getting sex. He doesn’t have any flirting skills or “game” with women, so all he does is be extra nice to women. He does everything a woman asks for.

Here are the 8 things you can do to stop being a simp:-

  1. Stop Putting Women on a Pedestal
  2. Stop Obsessing Over One Girl
  3. Stop Watching Porn and Jerking Off
  4. Stop Obsessing Over Sex
  5. Work on Your Goals
  6. Stop Needing Validation From Women
  7. Don’t Let Any Woman Disrespect You
  8. Don’t Be Too Nice to Women