Will NoFap Help Me Get a Girlfriend? Explained

NoFap has a lot of benefits, getting more attention from women being one of them.

Many nofappers(people who do nofap) claim that they got a girlfriend after following nofap. In this article, we’re gonna discuss whether or not nofap can help you get a gf, should you rely on nofap to get a gf, and is getting a gf worth doing nofap.

The short answer to that question is No, NoFap won’t directly help you in getting a girlfriend but it can indirectly help. What nofap will do is give you more confidence and improve your social skills. You’d be more willing to go out and talk to women on nofap than when you’re not on nofap. You’d be more confident and charismatic on nofap than when you’re not on nofap. These things can help you in getting a gf.

How Will NoFap Help You in Getting a Girlfriend?

Let’s look at the different ways nofap can indirectly help you in getting a gf:-

1. More Confidence

You’ll be much more confident on nofap than when you’re constantly watching porn and jerking off.

Watching porn and jerking off makes takes away your confidence and motivation and turns you into a lifeless zombie. Social isolation, low self-esteem, brain fog are just some of the many harmful side effects of excessive PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm). To know about all the side effects, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

Regularly watching porn and jerking off makes you think of yourself as inferior. It makes you think that you’re not worthy of someone’s love and attention and people don’t even try finding a partner.

It’s no secret that women like confident men. When you talk and act confidently with women, they’ll know that you’re a confident guy and have high self-esteem.

It’s important to note here that just feeling confident won’t magically pull women towards you. You’ll need to go out and talk to women and show them you’re a confident and high-value man in order to get a girlfriend.

2. Stronger Body Language

NoFap can improve your body language. Improvement in body language is just the result of being more confident.

NoFappers who used to watch porn and jerk off in the past said that when they were indulging in PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm), they were extremely shy and were awkward in social gatherings.

They couldn’t look people in the eye while talking to them, they walked with their shoulders inward and got extremely nervous when talking to a girl.

People can identify low confidence and low self-esteem guy with his body language. No woman will date you when you can’t even look her in the eye while talking.

After following nofap, they reported that their walking posture improved and they could easily maintain eye contact while talking. They no longer felt nervousness while talking to women and they had the body language of an “Alpha male”.

3. Better Social Skills

NoFap can improve your social skills. It is the number one factor women look at while selecting a partner, it’s even more important than money and looks.

People who watch porn and jerk off regularly often have no social skills. They avoid any social gatherings and prefer just being in their room all by themselves. They don’t know how to act and talk with people when they are at a party or a social congregation.

So, they avoid going to parties, not because they hate parties but because they feel awkward being around a large group of people. They don’t know how to talk to a stranger and just the thought of talking to a stranger makes them nervous. It’s very hard to get a gf with poor social skills.

What nofap does is improve your social skills. You’ll no longer feel awkward in social gatherings and will no longer feel nervous talking to a stranger. While being on nofap, you’ll want to talk with people and you’ll look for people to have a conversation with. You’ll start enjoying talking to people and your mind will look for ways to start a conversation with a stranger. Just the act of talking with a person will give you pleasure.

When you watch porn and jerk off, your brain gets desensitized due to the heavy amount of dopamine released by those activities. So, you don’t feel pleasure with little things in life, like talking to a stranger.

When you quit porn and masturbation, your brain gets starved of dopamine and your dopamine receptors come back to normal levels. As a result, little things like talking to someone or having a meaningful conversation with somebody start giving you pleasure and you start craving those things more.

It’s important to note here that you’ll want to talk with people more but you’re still gonna have to approach women and talk to them to get a gf.

4. Seeing Women as Equals

Watching porn and jerking off makes you see women as sex objects. It also makes you put women on a pedestal.

Watching porn and jerking off regularly can make you see sex as the ultimate goal of life and since only women can give you sex, you start seeing them as sex objects and put them on a pedestal.

When you start seeing women as sex objects, you can’t talk to them like a normal fellow human being. All you’d want while talking to her is to get her in bed with you and women can sense this. You’ll come across as a desperate pervert and a sex-crazy maniac. This will badly damage your chances with women.

When you start putting women on a pedestal, you start treating her like a goddess. You start acting like she is superior to you just because she is a woman and you basically become a simp for her. Women hate simps, everyone hates simps.

If you always message her first even though she rarely replies, you’re always available for her and text her romantic messages in the morning, then, my friend, you’re a simp and you have no chance of getting a gf. Watching porn and jerking off regularly turns you into a simp.

Doing nofap can make you see women as equals. You stop treating sex as the ultimate goal of life and you stop putting women on a pedestal. You start seeing women as fellow human beings and you start judging them for their qualities. This greatly helps your game with women.

When a woman will notice that you idolize her and have nothing going well in your life, she’ll start ignoring you. When she sees that you don’t need her, that your life will be equally good with or without her, she starts chasing you.

Should You Rely on NoFap to Get a Girlfriend?

Now that you know how nofap can help you in getting a girlfriend, the next question which arises is should you rely on nofap to get a gf?

In my opinion, No, you shouldn’t completely rely on nofap to get a gf. NoFap will give you more confidence, improve your self-esteem and social skills and make you see women as equals. It’ll also make you want to talk with women more but you’re still gonna have to approach women and talk to them confidently. You need to show them that you’re a high-value man and your life will be equally awesome with or without them.

You’re gonna have to put in the time and effort to attract the right woman because you don’t want to just get a gf. You’d want to get a high-quality woman with similar values in life.

Just quitting porn and masturbation and expecting to get a gf is not a smart strategy. Use the increased motivation and improved social skills on nofap to attract the right kind of woman in your life.

Is Getting a Girlfriend Worth Doing NoFap?

People do nofap for various reasons, to each his own. But, in my opinion, you shouldn’t do nofap just to get a girlfriend.

To know about the life-changing benefits of nofap, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

The goal of nofap should be to kick porn and masturbation out of your life because they badly damage your health, both mentally and physically.

To know how porn and masturbation badly impact your mental health, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

All the benefits that you experience on nofap is due to you taking back control of your life by eliminating porn and masturbation.

If you do nofap just to get a gf, two things can happen. Either you will not get a gf, get disappointed, and go back to your old lifestyle of watching porn and jerking off, or you’ll get a gf and go back to your old lifestyle of watching porn and jerking off.

Your goal with nofap should be to kick porn and masturbation out of your life permanently.


NoFap won’t magically get you a gf but it can indirectly help you in getting a gf. Use the increased motivation and improved social skills on nofap to go out and meet women.

In my opinion, you shouldn’t do nofap just to get a gf. The goal of nofap should be to kick porn and masturbation out of your life.