NoFap Insomnia: Do These 6 Things to Quickly Fall Asleep on NoFap

NoFap insomnia is common among fapstronauts(people who follow a nofap lifestyle), especially during the initial days of nofap.

If you suffer from insomnia on nofap, don’t worry, you’re not alone and there are some things which you can do to cure it. Things like exercising, meditating, and taking a cold shower before going to bed, help a lot in dealing with nofap insomnia.

Why Do People Experience Insomnia on NoFap?

Before we discuss how to cure nofap insomnia, we need to know why do people face it.

There are mainly 3 reasons why people experience insomnia on nofap:-

1. They Used Masturbation to Put Themselves to Sleep in the Past

Some people use masturbation to put themselves to sleep and when those people start practicing nofap, they’re more likely to experience nofap insomnia.

If you used to masturbate whenever you couldn’t sleep to put yourself to sleep, then you’re gonna have a hard time sleeping while practicing nofap, especially during the initial days of nofap.

Some people couldn’t sleep at night due to stress, so they used masturbation to relieve that stress and put themselves to sleep.

Now on nofap, they don’t have that option to relieve their stress and they can’t sleep due to the stress.

2. Built-up Sexual Energy

This is also a reason why people experience insomnia on nofap.

When you masturbate, you’re wasting your sexual energy. When you practice nofap and retain your semen, you’re preserving your sexual energy.

All that sexual energy builds up inside your body. Since energy cannot be destroyed and can only be transferred, it starts finding a way out.

That’s why you get a lot of horny thoughts while trying to sleep and your mind starts going in all directions. You could feel that energy inside your body.

Some people complain that too much energy on nofap keeps them awake at night.

This is why it is recommended to transmute your sexual energy on nofap to achieve your life goals.

3. They Are Going Through a Flatline

Flatline is a period during which you experience low libido and low motivation in addition to feeling all the withdrawal symptoms.

To know about flatline in detail and how to deal with it, check out my THIS ARTICLE.

When you give up PMO(Porn, masturbation, orgasm), you’re gonna experience withdrawal symptoms after some time, and insomnia is also one of the withdrawal symptoms of giving up PMO.

If you didn’t experience insomnia during the initial days of nofap and all of a sudden you start experiencing it, then most probably you’re going through withdrawals and insomnia is just a symptom of it.

How to Cure NoFap Insomnia?

Now that you’ve understood the reasons behind nofap insomnia, let’s look at how to cure it.

Do these 6 things to cure nofap insomnia and quickly fall asleep:-

1. Meditate Before Going to Bed


This is the best thing you can do to cure nofap insomnia.

People usually feel their minds wandering in all directions when they’re trying to sleep. Meditation calms your monkey mind.

Make a habit of meditating at least 20 minutes before going to bed. You’ll start noticing the difference from day 1.

Meditation not only helps with nofap insomnia, but it also helps with other aspects of your life and makes nofap easier. It helps in controlling urges on nofap too.

2. Take a Cold Shower Before Going to Bed

cold shower

This is also a very good way to deal with insomnia on nofap.

A cold shower relieves your stress, calms your mind, and reduce your urges.

It is recommended to take cold showers regularly on nofap. You can make a habit of taking a cold shower every night before going to the bed.

You’ll start noticing the difference from day 1 of taking cold showers. It has many other health benefits as well.

3. Make a Habit of Exercising


You should exercise regularly whether you suffer from nofap insomnia or not.

But exercising becomes even more crucial on nofap. Not only it helps with dealing with insomnia on nofap but also dealing with nofap urges.

Exercising is a great way to transmute your sexual energy into something positive. It helps to transmute your sexual energy to build a good physique.

You’ll also notice an increase in strength in the gym and your overall performance in the gym will improve on nofap.

You could join a gym, go for a run or play an outdoor sport. Whatever you choose, you need to sweat everyday and exhaust yourself physically.

4. Don’t Drink Coffee After 2 PM

no coffee

Needless to say, coffee keeps you awake. That’s why people take it first thing in the morning.

Some people have a habit of drinking coffee multiple times a day to stay focused.

If you’re someone who drinks coffee after 2 PM, stop doing it. You shouldn’t be drinking coffee at least 7 hours before going to the bed.

Also, stop eating anything 3 hours before going to the bed. It’s harder to fall asleep when you’re full.

5. Stop Using Any Electronic Device 2 hours Before Going to Bed

blue light by devices

Electronic devices emit blue light which interferes with your circadian rhythm.

Exposure to even low levels of blue light as well as a bright light during the night or before bedtime may disrupt the circadian rhythm with severe general health implications.

Also, if you use your computer a lot for work-related issues, start using blue light glasses. They are made to filter out the blue light emitted by electronic devices.

A 2017 study done by the University of Houston found that participants wearing the glasses showed about a 58% increase in their nighttime melatonin levels.

Your sleep is heavily dependent on your sleep hormone melatonin. If there is a deficiency, this can result in signs of restlessness, a poor stress response, insomnia, and waking up too early in the morning. That’s why it’s important to maintain your melatonin levels.

If you have to use electronic devices at night, install a blue light blocker app on your device.

6. Have Patience

Even if you follow all the above-mentioned things, your nofap insomnia won’t disappear in 1 night, it’ll take time.

Your body needs time to adjust to your new PMO-free life.

Have faith in nofap and remind yourself that it’ll get better with time.

How Many People Experience Insomnia on NoFap?

You’ll feel better after knowing that you’re not the only one who faces insomnia on nofap. Many people experience insomnia on nofap, it’s common.

I did a poll on my Instagram(@the_fapstronaut) asking people whether they face insomnia on nofap or not. Let’s look at the results.

how many people experience insomnia on nofap

45% of people said that they experience insomnia on nofap, that’s a huge percentage. It tells you how common this is.

How Long NoFap Insomnia Lasts?

Now that you’ve understood the reasons behind nofap insomnia and how to cure it, you might be wondering how long before you get rid of it.

For the vast majority of people, nofap insomnia is only temporary. They only experience it during the initial days of nofap. After some time, it disappears.

I asked people how long their insomnia on nofap lasts on my Instagram. Let’s look at the results.

how long nofap insomnia lasts

78% of people say that they experience insomnia only during the initial days of nofap and 22% of people said that they experience it for as long as they’re on nofap.

In my opinion, those 22% of people haven’t been on nofap for long enough or there may be some other reasons behind their insomnia unrelated to nofap.

Not watching porn and masturbating is NOT a reason for insomnia.


Experiencing insomnia on nofap is pretty common. A lot of people face it.

There are mainly 3 reasons why people experience insomnia on nofap:-

  1. They Used Masturbation to Put Themselves to Sleep in the Past
  2. Built-up Sexual Energy
  3. They Are Going Through a Flatline

Do these 6 things to cure nofap insomnia:-

  1. Meditate Before Going to Bed
  2. Take a Cold Shower Before Going to Bed
  3. Make a Habit of Exercising
  4. Don’t Drink Coffee After 2 PM
  5. Stop Using Any Electronic Device 2 hours Before Going to Bed
  6. Have Patience

If you experience insomnia on nofap, know that you’re not the only one. A significant percentage of people experience it.

Insomnia on nofap is only temporary. People usually experience it during the initial days of nofap.