A lot of nofappers(people who do nofap) claim that nofap killed their social anxiety. Before starting nofap they were socially anxious, they couldn’t talk to someone new, couldn’t hold eye contact, were extremely shy, but after following nofap all those things were gone.
They became confident, they could talk to anyone with confidence, they were able to maintain eye contact and they overall became an outgoing and sociable person.
So, does nofap kill social anxiety? In this article, we’re gonna discuss what is social anxiety, can watching porn and jerking off cause social anxiety, does nofap help with social anxiety, and should you rely on nofap to cure your social anxiety.
What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety disorder is a common type of anxiety disorder. A person with a social anxiety disorder feels symptoms of anxiety or fear in certain or all social situations, such as meeting new people, dating, being on a job interview, answering a question in class, or having to talk to a cashier in a store.
To know more about social anxiety disorder, check out THIS ARTICLE.
We all feel a little bit shy when talking to new people or speaking in front of a crowd, but that little bit of shyness is not social anxiety. In social anxiety disorder, everyday interactions cause significant anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment because you fear being scrutinized or judged by others.
When your shyness starts interfering with your daily life and you tend to avoid every possible human interaction, then it becomes problematic and you’re probably suffering from a social anxiety disorder.
Can Watching Porn And Jerking Off Cause Social Anxiety?
Yes, excessive PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm) can cause social anxiety.
Watching porn and jerking off makes you socially anxious. Not being able to talk confidently with someone, walking with their head downwards, not being able to look people in the eye, making every possible excuse to avoid an interaction are just some of the many harmful side effects of excessive PMO.
It’s worth mentioning here that watching porn and jerking off is not the only cause of social anxiety. Genetics, family conflict, trauma, or abuse are also some of the reasons behind social anxiety.
Also, if you indulge in PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm) occasionally(maybe once a week), then you might not experience social anxiety.
There are thousands of testimonials of people stating that PMO’ing made them extremely socially anxious and giving up PMO killed their social anxiety. You can read many such testimonials of people by going to any online nofap forum on the internet. Here is one such story.
This is something that I’ve personally experienced. When I was a porn and masturbation addict and was PMO’ing a lot, I felt socially anxious. I avoided going outside just so I can avoid being around people, I couldn’t look people in the eye and couldn’t maintain eye contact while talking to people.
When I walked on the road, all I could think about was going home as soon as possible and I felt like people were judging me. My heartbeat went up whenever I was around people. I started avoiding friends and family too because of it.
This is not just my story. This is the story of millions of guys who get trapped in the shackles of porn and masturbation and become addicted to it.
If you also watch porn or masturbate excessively(every day) and are facing social anxiety, your social anxiety is most probably due to excessive PMO’ing.
Why Excessive Fapping Causes Social Anxiety?
There is no clear-cut answer as to why excessive PMO’ing causes social anxiety.
One possible answer is that excessive PMO(porn, masturbation, orgasm) screws up your dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a feel-good chemical that gives us the sensation of pleasure. It is released whenever we do something that our body/mind likes, like eating tasty food, having sex, watching porn, masturbating, etc. Watching porn and jerking off releases a huge amount of dopamine, that’s why you feel pleasure after doing those acts.
But, that high level of dopamine becomes your “new normal”. Now, every other activity that can’t give you that high level of dopamine becomes boring/monotonous. Since socializing doesn’t release as much dopamine as watching porn or jerking off, you become disinterested in that.
Whenever you talk to someone, your brain says that it is boring, let’s go back to watching porn and jerking off so that we feel pleasure.
Remember, that it’s just a theory. There is no scientific evidence proving why fapping(masturbating) causes social anxiety, or at least I couldn’t find any on the internet.
Millions of guys all across the globe have experienced social anxiety due to fapping. They have also experienced that nofap killed their social anxiety. Here is one such story.
Does NoFap Help With Social Anxiety?
Yes, nofap helps with social anxiety. If PMO’ing can cause social anxiety then giving up PMO can also cure social anxiety.
It’s necessary to mention here that nofap can only help with your social anxiety if your social anxiety was due to excessively watching porn and fapping. If Genetics, family conflict, trauma, abuse, etc. are the reason behind your social anxiety then nofap can’t help you with that.
If you watch porn and masturbate excessively and are facing social anxiety, the first step would be to give up porn and masturbation and see if there is any difference. You should do nofap for 30 days and notice any difference, if you feel any improvements in social anxiety then your social anxiety was probably due to it and you should continue doing nofap.
If you don’t feel any improvements, then PMO is not the reason behind your social anxiety and in that case, you should consult a doctor. Even if your social anxiety is not due to watching porn or jerking off, it is still curable.
Should You Rely on NoFap to Cure Social Anxiety?
Excessive PMO’ing almost always makes you socially anxious. If even after consulting a doctor and taking pills, your social anxiety is not going away, then maybe porn and masturbation are the reason behind that.
A lot of people have also said that they were taking medications for anxiety but were not seeing any improvements because they were watching porn and jerking off all along. It’s only when they gave up porn and masturbation, they experienced any improvements in their social anxiety and they didn’t need to take medications anymore.
Whether or not excessive PMO’ing is the reason behind your social anxiety can only be found out if you give up porn and masturbation. To find out if excessive PMO is the reason behind your social anxiety or not, give it up for 30 days and notice any difference. If you can’t imagine going 30 days without it, then you have an addiction and most likely PMO is the reason behind your social anxiety.