Losing hair and going bald is probably one of the worst nightmares for men. Men lose hair due to natural and genetic reasons as well as due to their negligence in taking care of their hair properly. We are gonna talk about the latter one. In this article, I’m gonna list the top 6 reasons for hair loss in men and how to avoid them.
Women, on one hand, care about their hair type whether it is straight or curly, men on the other hand just want hair on their head.
The most common reason men face hair loss is due to genetics and it is called male pattern baldness(MPB). A study has shown that 16% of men between the ages of 15-17 will face MPB, 30% by age 30, 50% by age 50, and 80% by age 70.
You can’t do much about controlling hair loss and baldness due to genetics. However, there is an FDA-approved drug called minoxidil which you can apply to your scalp and it’ll slow the rate of hair loss and help grow some new hair. But, once you stop using it, hair loss will return.
Men also lose their hair due to negligence in taking care of them properly and due to some habits which cause damage to their hair and causes hair loss, and you can do much about controlling them.
1) Excessive Masturbation
Semen contains nutrients like protein, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin B-12. When you masturbate, you’re just wasting these valuable nutrients.
Many people believe that excessive masturbation doesn’t cause hair loss and it’s just a myth, but I’ve personally experienced this first hand and many other people like me have experienced this too.
NoFap does seem to stop hair loss and helps in regrowing new hairs. NoFap is a lifestyle where people refrain from watching porn and masturbation. It also seems to make your hair and beard thicker.
I asked people the question whether they experienced hair loss when they were masturbating excessively on my Instagram page(@the_fapstronaut). Let’s look at what they say.

56% of people said that they experienced hair loss when they were masturbating excessively, while 44% said they didn’t.
Stopping hair loss/hair fall and having thicker hair is just one of the many benefits of NoFap, to know more about the amazing benefits of NoFap, read THIS ARTICLE.
If you masturbate often and are facing hair loss and hair thinning, stop masturbation for a month and notice the difference yourself. If you notice a reduction in hair loss and hair thinning, quit masturbation altogether.
If you’re struggling with quitting masturbation habit, and want to know how to quit this habit in a step-by-step guide, read THIS ARTICLE.
Excessive masturbation causes hair loss and hair thinning, contrary to popular belief. If you masturbate too often and are facing hair loss, quit masturbation for a month and notice the difference.
2) Shampooing too Often or Rarely

Shampooing is necessary for having clear and healthy hair, it removes dirt and oil from your scalp and nourishes hair, but doing it too often could also cause hair loss.
When you shampoo your hair, it extracts some of the natural and necessary oils from your scalp which is necessary for the nourishment of hair, that’s why you shouldn’t shampoo too often.
Ideally, you should be using shampoo 2-3 times a week, that way you can remove dirt from your scalp but at the same time give enough time for natural and necessary oils to nourish your hair.
Anything more than thrice a week could potentially damage your hair. In the same way, shampooing less than twice a week won’t be enough to remove all the dirt from your scalp.
Shampooing more than thrice or less than twice a week could damage your hair. Shampoo your hair 2-3 times a week.
3) Rubbing Hair Harshly When it’s Wet

Some men have a habit of rubbing their hair harshly for too long with the towel until it gets completely dry after taking a shower. If you’re one of those men, stop doing it.
Your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet and the chances of it getting damaged are higher. When you rub your hair harshly, it damages the hair and the chances of it getting pulled off completely from the root are high.
Instead of rubbing your hair harshly, you should pat it gently and softly and don’t wait for it to get completely dry, leave it a little bit wet and wait for it to get dry naturally.
Rubbing hair harshly when it is wet damages your hair, avoid doing it. Instead, pat your hair gently and softly with your towel after washing it.
4) Not Having Enough Protein in Diet

Your hair is made up of a protein called keratin. You must’ve heard that protein is good for your muscles, but it is good for your hair too.
When you don’t include enough amount of protein in your daily diet, your hair doesn’t get the proper nutrients and nourishment it needs and gets weak and either start thinning or falls off completely from your scalp.
Ideally, you should be eating 0.7 gram or of protein per pound(lb) or 1.6 gram of protein per kilogram(kg) of body weight, if you don’t workout. If you workout, you need to be eating 1 gram of protein per lb or 2.2 gram of protein per kg of body weight.
You get protein from foods like eggs, chicken breast, fish, beef, tofu, etc. Other foods which are good for hair growth are sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts, seeds, spinach.
Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Not having enough protein in your diet weaken your hair. Aim for consuming 1.6 grm of protein per kg of body weight, if you don’t workout and 2.2 grm of protein per kg of body weight, if you workout.
5) Stress

Stress is the most common reason for hair loss in men. It is not only bad for your brain and mental health, but also your hair.
In today’s time, due to the poor lifestyle of people, more and more people find themselves under stress for some reason or another. When you’re constantly under stress, your hair starts falling and thinning.
For the sake of your health and hair, stop taking stress. For that, you can include activities like meditation, exercise, going for a walk in the park, spending time with your family members, etc.
I understand that not taking stress is easier said than done and sometimes life puts you in situations where taking stress is inevitable. That’s why I recommend a book titled “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale Carnegie. This book has helped me and a million others like me fight stress and live stress-free lives.
You can find the book easily on Amazon or Flipkart. You can also search on the internet ways for fighting stress and worry. Whatever you do, you must find a way to fight stress and worry for your own health.
If you want to know different ways to relieve stress, here’s an article by healthline.com, you can view it by CLICKING HERE.
When you are constantly under stress, your hair starts falling and thinning. Include activities like meditation and exercise in your daily routine to reduce stress.
6) Using Blow dryer too Often
Blow dryer/Hair dryer gives your hair volume which is necessary for styling it. A blow dryer is a very good grooming and styling tool, but using it too often, especially in hot mode, will ruin your hair.
When you use a blow dryer too often in hot mode, it dries up your hair and extracts all the natural and necessary oils which are necessary for its nourishment.
You should be using a blow dryer on heat mode once or twice a week or on some special occasion. Either use a blow dryer in cold mode or don’t use it at all. Let your hair dry up naturally after washing it.

Using a blow dryer on hot mode too often damages your hair. Use it only once or twice a week.
Here are the top 6 reasons for hair loss in men:-
- Excessive Masturbation
- Shampooing too Often or Rarely
- Rubbing Hair Harshly When it’s Wet
- Not Having Enough Protein in Diet
- Stress
- Using Blow dryer too Often
If you’re doing any of these 6 activities, stop doing it. You can’t control hair loss due to genetic reasons, but you can control it by avoiding activities which damage your hair.
Your hair is an essential part of your looks. Take care of it.