The Top 9 Traits of An Alpha Male

There has been a trend in the past few years of calling confident and dominant men alpha.

Every man wants to be an alpha, but what are the traits of an alpha man? Everyone has a slightly different opinion about it. But, everyone admits that an alpha man is confident, courageous, and a leader.

In this article, I’m gonna list the top 9 traits of an alpha male.

1. He’s a Leader


This is the most basic trait of an alpha male. They’re not followers, they’re leaders.

In any social situation, they just don’t sit back and let someone else take control of the situation. Instead, they come forward and lead by example. They take control of the situation and make everyone else follow them.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t play by the rules. They follow the rules, but they’re comfortable bending the rules according to their needs.

A good example would be in any office or business project. When he is put into a group with others for a project, he comes forward and leads everyone else.

He takes responsibility and decides the direction of the project.

2. He’s Compassionate


A lot of people think that an alpha male doesn’t care about anyone else, that’s far from the truth.

An alpha male doesn’t care about what anyone else thinks about him, but he cares about other people.

He reacts to the injustice strongly and defends the weak.

An Alpha male talks politely with everyone and helps everyone according to his abilities.

3. He Faces His Problems

An Alpha male never runs from a problem, he faces the problems head-on.

A weak person might run from problems wishing that their life was easier and they didn’t have to face difficulties in life.

But, an alpha male knows that difficulties and problems are part of life and no one can escape from them. He knows that overcoming difficulties builds character and makes a person stronger.

Whenever an alpha male is struck by adversity, be it getting fired from the job, getting dumped by their girlfriend, business failing, midlife crises, or any mishappening, they face that situation confidently.

They think, okay this bad thing has happened to me, what can I do to recover from it and come out of it even stronger. They never wished that the calamity or adversity never hit them. They understand that it’s part of life and facing adversity is what gives us the confidence to achieve anything in life.

They know that any adversity can only make them stronger if they don’t run from it and face it head-on. An Alpha male is a mentally strong person.

4. He Says What’s in His Mind

An alpha male is never afraid to voice his opinion even if that means upsetting some people.

This doesn’t mean that he is rude and says hurtful things to others. This means that if their opinion differs from other people, they say it loud and clear.

He is not afraid to upset some people and he doesn’t agree with people just so they will like him. He doesn’t care whether someone likes him or not.

5. He Doesn’t Care What Other People Think About Him


This is one of the biggest and most important traits of an alpha male. He doesn’t care what other people think about him.

In today’s world, most people are too worried about what other people think about them. Whenever they do something, they always first think about what other people will think about this act. Half of the time they couldn’t do what they really wanna do just because they think other people will think negatively about them.

An Alpha male knows that most people are too occupied with their own lives to think about someone else. Even if someone thinks negatively of them, they know that this reflects the character of that person and not them.

He doesn’t bow down to society’s pressure and do what he wanna do, be it about choosing a career, job, relationship, or anything else.

6. He Takes Care of His Body

An Alpha male treats his body as a temple because he knows it is one.

A healthy mind can only reside in a healthy body. He knows to be mentally strong, you need to have a strong and fit body.

He exercises regularly and puts only the best quality food into his body. He doesn’t shove himself with junk food.

You don’t have to have a six-pack or 20-inch biceps to be an alpha male, but you need to have a fit body in which you feel comfortable.

An Alpha male knows that a fit body helps him make better decisions and be mentally strong. So, taking care of his body is his priority.

They understand that a person who doesn’t take out time for exercise will ultimately have to take out time for illness. So, they take out time every day for exercising.

7. He’s Courageous

Alpha men feel fear like everyone else, but they do what they wanna do anyway. They take action in the face of fear.

He fears asking that girl out, but he does it anyway. He fears quitting his job to start a business, but he does it anyway. He fears applying for his dream job, but he does it anyway. He feels the fear and does things despite fear.

That’s what courage means. It doesn’t mean not being fearful, it means being fearful and doing it anyway.

Courage is what separates an alpha male from the crowd. Where most people would be too fearful to do something, he does it despite being fearful.

8. He Has a Powerful Body Language

You can tell apart an alpha from everyone else just by their body language.

Their body language radiates confidence and dominance. They always stand straight with heads held high and broad shoulders. They walk confidently at a normal pace. They neither walk too slow nor too fast.

When they talk, they look people in the eye and they always have an open posture.

To know more about the body language secrets of powerful people, CLICK HERE.

9. He’s Not Intimidated By Anyone

An Alpha male is not intimidated by anyone. They know their worth and don’t take shit from anybody.

When someone disrespects them, they don’t just take the insult, they confront that person.

When someone talks to them in a loud voice, they react appropriately.

This doesn’t mean they are hotheads and always looking for a confrontation. They don’t start a confrontation but are not afraid to get into one.

An Alpha knows how to fight and when to fight. The when to fight part is important. They only indulge in a fight when it’s necessary.

Nobody can disrespect an alpha and get away with it.

If you want to understand Alpha male qualities in detail and what you can do to become more alpha, I recommend the book “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi. It’ll also help you understand female nature better. It is available on Amazon.

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Here are the top 9 traits of an alpha male:-

  1. He’s a Leader
  2. He’s Compassionate
  3. He Faces His problems
  4. He Says What’s in His Mind
  5. He Doesn’t Care What Other People Think About Him
  6. He Takes Care of His Body
  7. He’s Courageous
  8. He Has a Powerful Body Language
  9. He’s Not Intimidated By Anyone

Being an Alpha male is about mindset. An Alpha male always thinks about improvement.