Top 7 Reasons Why Women Reject Men

Do you keep getting rejected by women and wonder what are you doing wrong? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’m gonna explain the top 7 reasons why women reject men.

Women reject men for a lot of different reasons. It’s not always the guy’s fault. Sometimes, it’s the women who have low self-esteem and are not matured enough to judge the qualities of a man.

However, there are some common reasons why women reject men. It’s important that you understand these reasons and don’t make these mistakes.

1) Being too Desperate/Needy

man being desperate

This is the single biggest reason why women reject men.

When you are desperate or needy, it shows that you are not confident and you depend on other people for your happiness.

A desperate man always tries hard to make the woman like him. He’ll do whatever the woman says and will be always available for her.

It shows that the man has nothing interesting going on in his life and the biggest mission in his life is to get a girl.

Desperation repels women like no other thing.

Women can sense that a man is desperate by talking to him and observing his actions. He’ll always text or call her first and keep texting her even if she doesn’t reply.

Desperate men often put women on a pedestal and depend on their validation to feel good about themselves.

Getting a girl shouldn’t be the biggest goal in your life. Instead, you should focus on yourself, your development, and be content with what you have.

You shouldn’t put women on a pedestal, and treat them like any other human being. You shouldn’t need validation from others to feel good about yourself.

2) Not Caring About Your Appearance or Hygiene

man wearing saggy jeans

This is also one of the reasons why women reject men.

No, you don’t need to dress like an actor or have six-pack abs to impress women, but you need at least some fashion sense and be presentable.

A man who takes care of himself, his body, his face, his clothes, shows that he loves himself and self-love is attractive.

Like they say, dressing well and taking care of your skin is a form of self-love. You first must love yourself before loving another person.

Have some dressing sense and a grooming routine. No, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars and countless hours taking care of your skin, but at least have a 5-minute daily grooming routine.

The most basic grooming routine is washing your face twice a day with a face wash, exfoliating twice a week, and using moisturizer and a sunscream.

When you take care of your body, about how you dress and how you look, you will feel confident, and it’ll show when you talk to somebody. When you are confident, your body language is different and the other person will notice it and will know that you are a high-value man.

3) No Ambition or Career Goals

lazy man

Women love men who have ambition in their life and are constantly trying to achieve their goals.

No, you don’t need to be a millionaire or a CEO, or making a lot of money to impress women. But, you need to have some ambitions in your life and have some goals that excite and motivate you to do better.

If you have a decent job and are always looking to get better in your area of expertise, that is enough.

Women want men who can provide for the family. You need to be making enough money to provide for her and your family.

Women don’t like men who are in their late 20’s and are living in their parent’s basement, playing video games all day, and have no ambition in life.

You should have an ambition and a desire to do better financially, not to impress a woman, but for your own better future.

4) Being Abusive or Bossy

abusive man shouting on a woman

Needless to say, women don’t like abusive or bossy men.

As they say, women don’t want “nice guys”. But they sure as hell don’t want abusive men either.

Don’t confuse being confident and commanding with being abusive. Being abusive means you often rudely talk to her, impose your expectations on her, and try to intimidate her with words and actions.

Physically or verbally abusing a woman is never cool, and should never be encouraged.

You should give her own space and let her make her own decisions. Let her be the decision-maker of her life and you be yours.

When you make the decisions for her, it shows that you are a controlling and bossy person. Women don’t want to lose their freedom when they are in a relationship.

5) Lack of Humor/Being Boring

Women don’t like men who lack humor, are boring, and take everything too seriously.

Having a sense of humor, being able to crack some jokes, and having the ability to make people laugh will make other people want to be with you, not just women.

Everyone likes to be around a jolly and good-humored person, and women are no different.

If you are someone who always complains about things and takes even small things in your life too seriously, no one would want to be with you or spend time with you.

If you are that type of person, then you need to learn to not take everything seriously. Learn to laugh and joke about your problems, it’ll not only make the other person like you more, but it will help you in dealing with your problems.

6) The Woman is Shallow

It’s not always a man’s fault for getting rejected by a woman. Sometimes, the woman is shallow and has “personal issues” that stop her from getting into a relationship.

Some women are not matured enough to judge a man and to identify his qualities. They have either unrealistically high expectations or bizarre standards.

You don’t need to be upset about getting rejected by this type of woman. Once you identify that the woman is shallow, you should move away from her as soon as possible.

7) You’re Not What She is Looking For

You could do everything right and have all the qualities an ideal man should have and still get rejected by a woman simply because you are not what she’s looking for.

Everybody has their tastes, likes, and dislikes. Maybe you’re not her “type”.

Sometimes, political beliefs, religion, and views about certain things don’t match between people. These things could also be the reason for her not wanting to be with you.

Your thoughts are not compatible with hers’s and that is fine. Everybody has their own beliefs and opinion about things.

Everybody has a different set of values and it’s beneficial to find a person who has similar to yours or someone willing to compromise and live with you in spite of differences. Of course, you should also make compromises and respect that person’s opinion.

If you’re struggling with women and are not able to attract the type of woman you want, I recommend reading the book “The Game” by Neil Strauss. It’ll help in improving your dating life and give you an idea of what women look for in a man. This book is available on Amazon.

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